Instruction No. 29/2024-Customs, Dated 14.11.2024
Requirement of Registration of Foreign Food Manufacturing Facilities as per Food Safety and Standards (Import) First Amendment Regulations, 2021, dated 03.11.2021-reg. ...
CAVR Review Order No. 02/2024-Customs, Dated 13.11.2024
Order for extension of validity of CAVR Order No. 02/2023-Customs under the Customs (Assistance in Value Declaration of Identified Imported Goods) Rules, 2023 in respect of...
Instruction No. 28/2024-Customs, Dated 11.11.2024
General ways of identification of the Low Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear under EEQCO as per phased implementation plan-reg. ...
Instruction No. 27/2024-Customs, Dated 01.11.2024
Guidelines for Customs field formations in maintaining ease of doing business while engaging in investigation into tax evasion cases in import or export-reg. ...
Instruction No. 26/2024-Customs, Dated 30.10.2024
Disposal of gold-revised mapping of Customs jurisdictions to Focal Customs Commissionerate (FCC) and India Government (IG) Mints-reg. ...
Instruction No. 25/2024-Customs, Dated 28.10.2024
Revised List of High End and High Value used/refurbished Medical Equipment other than critical case medical equipment-reg ...
Instruction No. 24/2024-Customs, Dated 22.10.2024
Issuance of Equipment Type Approval (ETA) for License-Exempt Wireless Equipment Devices. ...
Instruction No. 23/2024-Customs, Dated 21.10.2024
Clarification on certain aspects of origin procedures under free trade agreements (FTAs)-regarding. ...
Instruction No. 21/2024-Customs, Dated 16.10.2024
Retrospective issuance of certificates of origin under India-UAE CEP A-reg. ...
Instruction No. 22/2024-Customs, Dated 16.10.2024
Implementation of "Agreement" signed between FSSAI, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India and Bhutan Food and Drug Authority (BFDA)-reg. ...
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